Looking Up – Mongolia Missions Trip

Hope Kids are excited about partnering with one of our elders, John Petty, as he travels to Mongolia.On April 7th, our children’s outreach project will be to fill John’s suitcase for his trip. We will be creating personalized artwork during our time together. We’d also love to fill his suitcase with some of these items. If you’d like to donate items click here. We are excited about giving the children a chance to look beyond themselves and into God’s greater kingdom.
Here’s the message from John…
I will be returning to Mongolia April 12-27 to work with a group of Christian doctors and dentists as part of CMDA’s ministry for medical and dental education (MEI—Medical Education International). We will be working alongside Mongolian doctors and dentists who do the same job we do. We take care of patients together, exchange ideas, lecture, and build relationships through our profession. Our teams come to Mongolia twice a year at the invitation of the Mongolian national medical and dental schools. As Christian doctors and dentists, we also interact with the churches and Christian ministries in Mongolia, including familiar ministries like Young Life, Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), Prison Fellowship, and others. We always spend at least one evening visiting an orphanage there and playing with the children. How can you help?
The needs and opportunities are many. I typically take at least one suitcase of things to leave behind—usually a surgery textbook, picture Bibles, warm clothes, socks, hats, small toys. In different ways on different trips, the Lord has used all of these things. I am hoping I might be able to bring some art from our kids to help encourage prisoners and others who are discouraged. Your prayers for safe travels and fruitful ministry are much appreciated. I am so thankful for the families at Hope who will partner in this. Bayarlaa!
John Petty and Lisa Applegate