Looking Up – Change: I’m not a fan!


Dear Hope Church Family,

I’m excited to share updates on the Ministry Architects and Renovation team’s work. But let me start with a confession: I’m not a big fan of change. Not even a small fan of change. And for me personally, this season has been full of it!

This season at work is full of newness: new people (growth of 30%!), new lines of business, new leadership, and new systems. Exciting as it is, it has left me feeling off-kilter. I liked things before our company’s growth. Now, I often find myself wondering how we maintain our culture, and all the things that have gotten us this far, while also embracing growth and being willing to change.

When I agreed to be a part of the Renovation Team, I did not expect the work we were to be undertaking to strike my heart in such a tender place. Here, tackling exciting initiatives for our church, I’ve been struck by the parallel ways the Lord is working in our congregation and in my heart. Change, even exciting change, can be unsettling.

We have seen so much exciting change in our church body in the past couple of years! We have so many new faces in our midst – adults and children and all ages in between! We have new ministries and a second service. All this brings a need for formalized systems and processes. And sometimes, even exciting change can leave us feeling uncertain about our place in the midst of it all.

The Lord has used this renovation project to teach me discernment and wisdom for navigating growth and change. Watching our church leadership navigate change – holding tightly to the Lord’s work in our midst while being flexible with some of the ways we serve as His hand and feet – has been encouraging. This work has reminded me that while change can be uncomfortable, it also presents exciting opportunities.

Just like at Hope, where we’re welcoming new families, creating new programs, and finding new ways to connect, my workplace is also opening doors for growth and positive change. And navigating this at Hope has helped me to trust in and lean on the Lord more faithfully at the office.

On the renovation front, there’s a lot to celebrate! Over the past three months, we (along with other staff and members of leadership) held a focus group for youth parents, reviewed communication practices, established a 12-month calendar, established a clear plan for communicating how and when to join a new life group, and drafted a system for better staying in touch with and caring for  our church family. It’s exciting to see how these changes will help us grow closer as a church and continue spreading the gospel. And we’re not quite through yet – our final phase of work includes strengthening systems around outreach initiatives, marketing practices, congregational care, and the ways in which we communicate our mission, values, and goals.

As we move toward completing our “renovation season,” I’m incredibly grateful for the hard work and dedication of our staff and leadership team. They’ve done an amazing job of helping us embrace growth while staying true to Hope Church’s core values. I’m grateful for, and humbled by, the ways this process has impacted me on a personal level as well!

With gratitude,
Meg Horvat