Looking Up – 1600 Pounds This Year


Dear Hope Church,

I wish you could see it! Parking lot overflowing in the street, waiting room filled to overflowing with men, women and children. Different languages, different cultures – Americans, households from Central and South America, Asians, and even individuals from Ukraine! Some working, some working 2 jobs, some unemployed and even unhoused. All looking for help. 

And you’ve been part of helping them! Since November, Hope Church has donated about 1600 pounds of food. And since November, the Clemmons Food Pantry has served almost 1600 households.  

Thanks so much for making it possible for each of those families to have something they wouldn’t have had without us.  

And if you haven’t joined in this adventure of helping to feed the least, it’s not too late! Bring one item each week and put it into one of the three boxes outside the office or the worship center.  And if you’d like to volunteer, you can go to the website – and click on Volunteer. We’d love to have you!

If you have any questions, please reach out to me.

Jean Moser