Looking Up – Fall Discipleship Opportunities

Ethan Smith   -  

Dear Hope Family and Friends,


First and foremost, our last Pavilion Service of the summer is this Sunday at 9am, so we warmly invite you to join us! (There is just one service this week.) The weather is supposed to be lovely.

Second, since our fall programs are quickly approaching, I wanted to introduce you to some upcoming opportunities for education and connection at Hope. Whether you consider yourself new to Christianity or have been a member for years, there is a place for everyone to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus and his church. In a word, we call this process of growth “discipleship,” which is a word that you may have heard over and over but never put much thought into what it means. (Click here to download a fuller explanation of discipleship and how it applies to our specific situation.)

Under “Church Life” and “Parents & Kids” below, you’ll find various ways as individuals and families to pursue discipleship. I want to highlight a few of them to give you an idea of what to expect.

Adult Sunday School – Sundays, 10-10:45am
Our Sunday morning Christian education includes opportunities for men and women to learn together. Although there is some time for fellowship and interaction, the focus is on content, and we typically rotate between a Bible study and a topical study. For the first nine weeks this fall, we’ll be considering how Jesus (and the Scriptures in general) address power and politics. Also, there is Youth, Kids’ Sunday School, and nursery available for young families.

Life Groups
Life Groups are less focused on content (although there is some content) and more focused on connection, prayer, and care. They are a great place to know and be known by others on a deeper level. These groups are typically made up of 12-18 people and meet at various times throughout the week. You can register here to let us know you’re interested in joining a group.

Study Groups for Men and Women
Women’s Bible Studies are available on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings, and include teaching, singing, and small group discussion and prayer. This fall the women will be studying the book of Daniel. There is also a Wednesday evening women’s study of Nancy Guthrie’s The Promised One. You can click here to sign up for women’s Bible study or click here to sign up for the women’s book study.

Men’s Cohorts are small groups that meet at various times throughout the week and generally spend part of the time studying Scripture and the other part checking in and praying for each other. This fall the men will be studying Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Click here to register for a cohort.

Grace and peace,