Looking Up – Welcome, Olivia!

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Dear Hope Church,

We are delighted to announce that Olivia Morganti (pronounced “MOR-ghan-tee”) was hired last week to fill the role of Children’s Ministry Assistant!

Olivia hails from the great state of Mississippi (and now that’s three Mississippi State grads on staff, for those keeping track at home). She has a degree and teaching experience in special education and has enjoyed spending summers serving with Joni & Friends family retreats.

Olivia and her husband, Matthew, and young son, Conner, are new to Winston-Salem and to Hope, so please join us in giving them a warm welcome! You can learn a little more about Olivia in this profile:

Name: Olivia Morganti
Email: omorganti@hopechurchws.org
Family:  I am married to Matthew and we have a son named Conner.
Briefly describe how you’ve seen God’s work in your life: The Lord has been so faithful in my life and I have seen Him work in all areas of my life. He has carried my family through many unexpected changes and has provided us with a loving community of fellow believers.
How do you rest or play? I love to go on walks with friends. Since living in North Carolina, I have enjoyed going on hikes and exploring new places. There are so many beautiful things to see!Please also take the opportunity to say a warm thank you to Ethan and Lisa who have been filling the gap over the last month.
Hope Staff