Looking Up – Holy Ground in a Utility Closet


Dear Hope Church, 

In the back corner of the sanctuary behind a set of double doors is a large utility closet that houses a makeshift office for our sexton, Hal, as well as assorted tables, chairs, sign posts and holiday decorations held in storage.  On Sunday mornings during communion, this utilitarian space temporarily becomes holy ground as women on the Hope Women’s Prayer Team join with other women in prayer.  There is nothing special about those who serve on the prayer team.  We are not more holy.  Or more wise.  We do not have a special “in” with God.  We are ordinary women who believe in laying needs at the feet of an extraordinary God because that’s what the Bible instructs us to do.

The needs that women bring for prayer are as varied as the women themselves…physical ailments, financial worries, broken relationships, concerns for growing children or aging parents, anxiety, depression.  At times, the gravity and sadness of these life situations have left me at a loss for words, wondering what business I have even attempting to speak into them.  Again and again, God has reminded me that what happens in that room has nothing at all to do with me.  My words and their eloquence have no power to bring change or healing.  All power belongs to the One whose ears are open to our prayers.  

Women of Hope (and also of hope), we invite you to avail yourselves of this opportunity for prayer on Sunday mornings.  Meet us at the closet with your needs or the needs of a loved one.  Our gracious, merciful Abba Father stands ready to hear our prayers.  He is mighty to save.

Tori Petty
Women’s Prayer Team Leader