Living Out Our Generosity
Dear Hope Church Family,
We would love for you to hear Julie and Dudley Bell share more about how our facilities have extended the embrace of the Father out to our community and why we can be generous with our time, resources, and gifts.
If you’re wondering what you need to be doing in this generosity initiative right now, there are a few things:
Let us know if you haven’t received a materials packet with a booklet, magnet, prayer bookmark, and prayer calendar or grab one from the table at the back of the sanctuary.
Join us in prayer and devotion using the Generosity Study and Prayer Calendar provided in your packet.
Be praying about how you can be generous with the resources God has given you. Hold onto your commitment card to turn in on March 2nd during worship. If you won’t be worshiping with us that day, you can mail it in using the provided envelope.
Join us tomorrow, February 8th, between 10am and 12pm for a Prayer Station Walk outside where the building will be. You’ll find prayer prompts at each future room.
Register now for a 30-min time slot during our 24 Hour Prayer Vigil on February 25th.
Have questions about the building or generosity initiative? Reach out using our contact info.
Grace and peace,