MRFM Advanced Commitment Update

David Speakman   -  

Dear Hope Church Family,

We are steamrolling towards the culmination of our Making Room for More Campaign, and we eagerly anticipate gathering our collective campaign pledges for the Commitment Sunday on March 2nd during the services.

Over these past five weeks, our aim has focused upon several targets: increase of our enjoyment and trust of the God of more, renewal of our Vision and Mission as Hope Church as we follow where He leads us, and development of our campus and expansion of our building to accommodate the growth we have experienced and even enable more in the seasons to come. This coming Sunday we reach the decision point of how God is calling us individually to participate in the campaign.

As you consider your unique contribution to the campaign and make your pledge, I am thrilled to pass along what I take to be tremendously encouraging and inspiring news:

A group of Hope Church officers, staff, and lay leaders gathered last evening to make advanced commitments to the Making Room for More campaign.

  • We received 45 pledges totaling $3,257,580.
  • Prior to the event last night we had also received 4 pledges that totaled $971,800.
  • Putting those two batches together, we have received a total of 49 pledge cards in the amount of $4,229,380!
  • This is your fellow Hope Church family members making sacrificial, faithful, trusting, generous commitments to the good work God is doing.

Please take a moment, and, right where you are, praise God for his gracious movement in our midst.

Then, please take a moment and consider how you can join this group to make room for more at Hope.

Grace and peace,

Please watch this excellent video produced by Melissa Faulkner sharing interviews with several congregants about the Making Room for More generosity initiative and all the ways that God has been faithfully at work in and through Hope Church.