Becoming A Member At Hope Church
We are so glad you are considering becoming a member of the Hope family. Membership at Hope Church is open to all who have made a public profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Church membership means life in a community, and is both a vastly rewarding experience as well as a commitment. Hope Church membership offers you the care of our Session, the privilege to vote in church elections, and the ability to influence the direction of the church.
There are three steps in the process of becoming a member at Hope Church: Attending a Discovering Hope class
Meeting with two elders of the church
Taking public membership vows before the congregation
Attending a Discovering Hope class
Meeting with two elders of the church
Taking public membership vows before the congregation
Discovering Hope
This is our course on what it means to follow Jesus and participate as a member of a local church, and it is the next step for those who wish to become a member of Hope Church. Our class offerings follow this schedule:
- First weekend after Labor Day in Sept each year (Friday evening and Saturday morning)
- Third weekend in January (Friday evening and Saturday morning)
- Sunday School class starting second Sunday in February